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OSTF Minutes 02-06-2012
                     OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                       Minutes of the Meeting                                               
                        February 6, 2012                   
Attendance: Pat Botteron, Sue Larsen, Jeff Folger, George Caye, Herb Asplund, Roy Normen, Louise Evans, Betty Warren, David Romekjo, Viney Wilson, Michael Gantick

Town Council: Dr. Saud Anwar

Not Present: Carol Hefler, Betty Osbourn

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:33 pm.

Herb Asplund led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance

Public Participation

Acceptance of Minutes
Minutes of the January meeting were approved.

New Business

A get well card for Councilor Prague was passed around for signatures.

Pat Botteron reported that the paragraph at the end of the financial report for Open Space was omitted.  She has requested that it be put back.  This paragraph referenced the monies used to purchase the firehouse property and should be reimbursed with the monies from the sale of the old firehouse property.

The Town Council will have an executive session on the King Street property this evening.

The town may be looking at the St. Francis property.  Dr Anwar showed the group a map with the property under consideration.  Pat Botteron was told that no OS money would be used to purchase the property.

Pat Botteron went to a seminar on light impacts. She told everyone about the city light impact on turtles and birds.  

Keith Yagaloff questioned Pat Botteron on heavy equipment he saw at the Bird Sanctuary on Neiderwerfer Road.  Jeff Folger said the Recreation Dept. may have been there working on the trails or Northeast Utilities was clearing the right of way.  The Conservation Commission is in charge of the sanctuary and may know what is going on.

Jeff Folger reported that all trails have been cleared and are open.
Vinnie Wilson praised Pat Botteron’s presentation to Planning & Zoning.

The information brochure is being worked on.  The group discussed how to get the information to the most people.  Some of the suggestions were: Facebook, Town website, library, Senior Connection, Park & Rec Brochure, Chamber of Commerce, school websites.

Dr. Anwar thought it could be good to do a presentation in the schools.  Jeff Folger said the 5th grade does a field trip to the sanctuary.  He could also do a presentation that would rotate between the schools.

Karl Reichle thought the brochure should include that OS saves money.  What would South Windsor look like without Open Space?

Vinnie Wilson mentioned that the first master plan included the seniors’ desire to have walking trails.  Louise said we should consider rating the trails for accessibility.  Dr. Anwar would like a plan to insure that at least one trail is ADA compliant.  Karl Reichle said the trail would need to be paved. Roy mentioned sand wheelchairs in California and Karl said some beaches in CT have them. Betty Warren said some people walk at Evergreen Walk which is ADA complaint.   OSTF should come up with a senior program.

Roy Normen wants to add to the Plan of Conservation & Development 1 trail that is ADA compliant.  Dr. Anwar added that it is a quality of life I ssue as the senior residents grow in numbers.  Herb Asplund asked if the high school track could be used for seniors.

A vote was taken to nominate Pat Botteron for the Pollicelli Award.   

Old Business

The Town Council would be taking a vote this evening on 625 Sullivan Avenue.  There is concern that turning the old firehouse into an animal shelter would decrease property value.  Some concern was stated about the noise from the animals.

Matt Galligan is still working on the Cornerstone Property.

There is no news on the Gorski Property

Other Business

Jeff Folger is a delegate to the Conservation Districts.  He spoke on the farm bill in which grant money could be used for public land.  Public land was removed in 2008 and there is a resolution to put that back in.

Our next meeting will be March 5th.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen